Fair Play Leaderboard

Notice: Scores will be archived and reset on 01-01-2025

Rank Player Score
1 Viral 8.49
2 Shri 7.8
3 Artis 6.55
4 Jose 5.43
5 Marc 4.37
6 Jay 4.24
7 Shane 3.67
8 Alf 2.68
9 Doris 0
10 Owen 0
11 NotAUser 0
12 Grant 0
13 Test 0
14 test2 0

1. Earning Points Based on Game Results

  • Win: You earn 3 points.
  • Draw: You earn 1 point.
  • Loss: You earn 0 points.

2. Game Type Weighting

Different types of games have different importance levels. The points you earn are multiplied by a weight based on the game type:

  • Casual Game: Weight of 1.
  • Competition Game: Weight of 2.
  • Quarter Final, Semi Final, Final: Weight of 3.

3. Including All Games You've Played

Your score includes all games where you were either the player or the opponent. If someone records a game against you, it affects your score too.

4. Adjusting for Your Role in the Game

  • If you recorded the game, the result is as you entered it.
  • If you were the opponent in a game someone else recorded, the result is flipped for you:
    • If they recorded a win, you get a loss.
    • If they recorded a loss, you get a win.
    • A draw remains a draw for both.

5. Balancing Scores with Number of Games Played

To keep things fair, we adjust your total points by dividing by the square root of the number of games you've played:

Final Score = Total Points Earned ÷ √(Number of Games Played)

6. Summary

Your final score reflects both your performance and the significance of the games you've played. Winning important games boosts your score more than casual games.

1. Object of the Game

The primary objective is to legally pocket all the balls of your assigned group (either solids or stripes) and then legally pocket the 8-ball to win the game.

2. Equipment

Standard pool table with six pockets, cue sticks, a cue ball, and 15 object balls numbered 1 through 15.

3. Racking the Balls

The balls are racked in a triangle at the foot of the table with the 8-ball in the center, ensuring that solids and stripes are alternated as much as possible.

4. Break Shot

The break is determined by a lag or a coin toss. The breaker must make an open break, meaning at least four balls are driven to any rails or a ball is pocketed.

5. Open Table

The table is "open" immediately after the break. The first player to legally pocket a ball determines their group (solids or stripes).

6. No Calling Shots

Players are not required to call their shots. Any ball legally pocketed counts, and the player continues their turn.

7. Legal Shot

On all shots (except on the break and when the table is open), the shooter must hit one of their group balls first. There is no requirement for any ball to contact a rail after the cue ball hits the object ball.

8. Fouls

Below is a list of common fouls in our pool games:

  1. Scratch (Cue Ball Pocketed): Cue ball is pocketed.
  2. Failure to Hit Own Object Balls First: Not contacting one of your assigned balls first.
  3. No Ball Contact: Cue ball fails to touch any object ball.
  4. Jumping Balls Off the Table: Any ball leaves the table surface.
  5. Cue Ball Touching: Touching the cue ball with anything other than the cue tip during a shot.
  6. Double Hit or Push Shot: Striking the cue ball more than once in a single stroke.
  7. Foot Fault: Not having at least one foot on the floor during a shot.
  8. Bad Hit: Hitting the opponent's ball or 8-ball first.
  9. Moving Balls: Accidentally moving or touching any ball except the cue ball.
  10. Illegal Jump Shot: Scooping under the cue ball to make it jump. (see section 14 for more information)

Penalty for Fouls: Unless otherwise specified, the standard penalty for a foul is that the opponent receives ball in hand anywhere on the table.

9. Pocketing the 8-Ball

A player may legally pocket the 8-ball only after they have pocketed all of their group balls. The 8-ball can be pocketed in any pocket. If a player commits a foul while pocketing the 8-ball, the game continues, and the opponent receives ball in hand.

10. Winning the Game

A player wins the game by legally pocketing the 8-ball after clearing their group balls.

11. Loss of Game

A player loses the game if they:

  • Pocket the 8-ball before clearing their group balls
  • Pocket the 8-ball and commit a foul such as jumping the 8-ball off the table

12. Continuous Play

There is no stalemate in the game. Play continues until a player legally wins or loses the game as per the rules.

13. Sportsmanship

Players are expected to conduct themselves respectfully, avoiding any unsportsmanlike behavior such as distracting the opponent or interfering with their play.

14. Jump Shots

Legal Jump Shot:

  • A jump shot is legal when the cue ball is struck with a downward stroke of the cue tip, causing it to jump into the air over an obstructing ball.
  • The cue must be held at an elevated angle, and the stroke must be a quick, downward motion.
  • Only the cue tip may contact the cue ball during the shot.

Illegal Jump Shot:

  • It is illegal to scoop the cue ball by sliding the cue tip underneath it, lifting it off the table.
  • Striking the cue ball with any part of the cue other than the tip (e.g., the ferrule or shaft) is illegal.

Penalty for Illegal Jump Shot:

  • The opponent receives ball in hand anywhere on the table.

For any clarifications or disputes, refer to the agreed-upon rules before the match begins.

© Trogy.NZ 2024, < > by Marc Anderson | Hosted by Auroa on Andromeda